
A national umbrella organisation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the Water and Sanitation sector in Tanzania. It was established and officially registered in 2008 under NGO Act. About 20 local NGOs took intiative to form the network, serving as a platform for national advocacy and engagement on WASH issues at the national level.

Our Vision

A Tanzania with sustainable access to Water and Sanitation

Our Mission

To influence policy and promote good practices in the water and sanitation sector through strengthening CSO members’ coordination, networking, and facilitate capacity development profile on sector issues and best practices from their water and sanitation programs

Our Constitution Mandate

TAWASANET has the following constitutional objectives:

  • To provide a forum for collaboration and the interchange of ideas and knowledge among members in the provision of services in water and sanitation sector.
  • To promote partnership between civil society and other stakeholders in the water and sanitation sector. 
  • To encourage and foster public, government and industry understanding of water and sanitation and its contribution to socio- economic development, quality of life and the environment. 
  • To contribute to the development and implementation of sector policies, strategies, standards and guidelines in the water and sanitation sector.
  • To increase the knowledge and skills of people working in the water and sanitation sector.
  • To strengthen the overall human and institutional capacity of the water and sanitation sector in Tanzania in order to contribute to the wise use of water resources and sanitation facilities. 
  • To serve as an important Tanzanian link to the international water and sanitation network.
  • To promote the protection of environment, water sources and ecosystem.
  • To establish and maintain a water and sanitation resource centre. 
  • To do all related things necessary for and incidental to the advancement of its objectives from which it was formed.