TAWASANET membership is open to all CSOs active in the WASH sector. To be a member:

  1. Fill the membership application form: Download Application Form Here
  2. Attach a copy of your registration certificate
  3. Attach a copy of your constitution
  4. Attach a copy of your organization profile

Once your membership is approved by the Board, you will be required to pay:

Local CSOs/NGOs:
Tshs. 50,000 as entrance fee (paid once) and Tsh 50,000 as Annual membership subscription fee (paid annually).

International CSOs/NGOs:
USD 100 as entrance fee (paid once) and USD 100 as Annual membership subscription fee (paid annually).

Types of membership:

  1. Founder members – These are the founding members of the Network who initially subscribed to the establishment of TaWaSaNet.
  2. Ordinary members – All Tanzania registered CSOs which are active in Water and Sanitation sector.

TaWaSaNet offers the following benefits to its members:

  • Contribute to agenda setting via representation of the member organization at the national and international WASH fora.
  • Contribute to lobbying and advocacy, including participation in equity monitoring researches.
  • Chance to directly participate in sector decision making meetings, including Joint Water Sector Review.
  • Networking and professional development opportunities
  • Stay-up-to date: access to latest news and information
  • Chance to increase visibility through sharing stories and promoting work and direct participations in the annual commemoration such as Water Week, Global Hand Washing Day, World Toilet Day and Sanitation Week.
  • Direct link to resource mobilization and technical information on WASH.